Sunday, January 12, 2014

Themed Post: The Perks of Being a Nerd-- Sherlock.

Hey there,

The title of my blog post says a lot about what this post may be about. The funny thing is, it's about one thing is particular. Sherlock. 

For those of you who aren't into BBC and their annoyingly suspenseful cliff-hangers and tragic endings, Sherlock, along with Downton Abbey, are currently my favorite BBC Dramas. Sherlock, is a 21st century version of Sir Arthur Conan Doyles epic tales of Sherlock Holmes, and the show features the cheek-bone famous, Benedict Cumberbatch and Hobbit-y Martin Freeman. It started in 2010 and had a 2 year break that held avid watchers in a painful suspense. For. 2. Years. Crazy. Sherlock will be starting again in the States on the 19th of January and will, let's just say, have Sher-locked fans weeping with joy.

Now, let's get to my original point. What are the perks of being a nerd? When it comes to shows like Sherlock, the perks of being a nerd can be endless. Here are some of my reasons why:

  • There is a HUGE fandom around this show. It may be as big as Harry Potter for all we know, but one thing is for certain. These fans are as dedicated as can be, and are always on Sherlock's side.
  • In order for you to watch Sherlock, you have to have a good mind. A good thinking process. Nerds normally are pretty smart, and so watching Sherlock can be intriguing and at times, hilarious.
  • Only nerds would be fascinated with the mumblings of Sherlock and his awesome side-kick Watson. For people with normal brains who aren't interested in this type of nerdism-- how sad. What a loss.
  • As my dad nonchalantly mentioned he, "likes the show."
There are other reasons why though I thought it would be important to name those 4 at the least.

Since Sherlock will be premiering in approximately 7 days, I was thinking, how can we prepare for this journey? How can we be the ultimate Sherlock Holmes fan for 7 days? Here are some of my ideas:

  • Wear a Sherlock hat. We all know how much Cumberbatch's character seems to ironically hate this expected part of his publicity in the show. But honestly, this hat shows the true Sherlock in his most universal form.

    • Wear a pea coat. If only for a few days, you may never look as epic as Cumberbatch manages, though you can feel epically smart (in knowledge and dress) for the day.

    • Go up to random people and make blunt and observatory assumptions about them from their facial features, clothes and accessories. In the series, Sherlock does this to almost everyone who he meets. At times, he is rude and extremely oblivious to their reactions of his perfect observations. If you do this, please, make sure to be kinder than Sherlock. 
  • Go to your sitting room, shoot the space above the couch with a nerf gun and shout, "BORED!" Then stand up and smile at the gun shots that have efficiently made a smiley face.

  •  If you can't play the violin, listen to instrumental music-- most preferably the theme to Sherlock. This can be found on YouTube as "Pursuit". If you do played the violin, or any stringed instrument that is, make sure to play it the most dramatically as possible. And don't forget that smirk.
  • Insult people by mentioning how petty, simple and boring their minds must be. You may have to tread very lightly when it comes to this task-- unless the person knows what you're trying to do, they will most likely be insulted.
As an after note, be careful of who you say your words to, otherwise you may end up like Sherlock.
  • Talk in a sing-song-voice the entire day so that you can feel like, no not Sherlock, but Moriarty. You may also want to speak in an Irish accent and use exaggerated expressions to add to the mix. Every good fairy tale needs a good old fashioned villain.

  • If you don't like any of these ideas, you can always be the Dr. Watson and act humble through the entire week. You can say witty lines, act cool and of course be hobbit-y. Oh, wait. Wrong show.

My last thoughts is that Sherlock is a great show with a exciting plot line, awesome actors who deliver their characters perfectly and a wonderful series that everyone, especially nerds, can appreciate.

Until later!



  1. Woohoo! We can't wait for the new season to finally start, B!

    To get us in the spirit of the new season, Auntie Tiff and I have been watching the first two seasons. And yes, we're about to pull out our pea coats and begin yelling "bored" while shooting a nerf gun at the living room wall!

    If loving Sherlock makes us nerds, we'll gladly take the title!

    Thanks for revving us up for another exciting season!

    auntie ts

  2. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That is all I can say.

  3. Ok, just kidding. I am so Sherlocked sometimes I have a loss for words. :P
    I am a proud nerd! I believe we all should be! Cuz Sherlock is just amazingggggggg.
    Sorry. I am going to try to speak properly.
    I love Sherlock. (the show and the character XD ) The show is so smart and funny and HAVE YOU SEEN THE SIGN OF THREE?!?! FUNNIEST THING EVER! I laughed rather uncontrollably while watching that. I admit while watching "His Last Vow" I started crying uncontrollably at several points too because of...certain...plot...points...
    Sherlock is the weirdest character too. So inhuman yet at points, very human. He messes with your mind. But ahhhhh those cheekbonesssssss... ok er um anywho.
    Some Sherlock happiness for ya...have you seen John Watson's Blog? Like the actually online blog of John Watson? It's amazing. There's also a Molly Hooper blog, and a Connie Prince website (if you remember her, she was the cooking show lady that died and it was part of the game for Sherlock to figure out how and stuff). Also, Sherlock's "Science of Deduction" there is a website for that too!!!!! It's amazing, and I really hope you haven't seen those or else this giant paragraph was for nutin'. :P
    Here's the link for all those amazin sites!

    And now I shall end this long, rambling, fangirly comment. :)

  4. Ok, sorry this is my 3rd comment already on this post but I just love Sherlock! I am proud to say I wore a pea coat all week!! And OF COURSE looked at Sherlock memes and gifs. And I gotta get started on that nerf gun shooting at wall and yelling thing. My family will think I'm crazy but they already do so why not XD :P
    #sherlocklives #sherlocked #whyamiusinghashtags:D


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